Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another week gone - where did it go?

Staying home everyday really makes the weeks go by fast. Each day consists of the same routine, so weekends are no longer full of sleeping in and coming and going as we please. Connor is worth the new lifestyle though and we wouldn't change it for anything.
This past week has been a lot of fun. Connor has started to play with his toys, smile much more, and even laugh! He has rolled over a few times too. He has started to nap more regularly and he is sleeping longer and longer most nights. Next week we go for his four month check up and the doctor may have us introduce solids, we shall see.
I am still exclusively breast feeding and plan to continue until Connor is six months. It has gotten easier, but I still don't love it. I refuse to breastfeed in public, even with a cover, so I still am confined to the house every 2-3 hours. I do pump and bring bottles occasionally, but I just find it easier to be home when he needs to eat. I think it is great for those who are comfortable breastfeeding in public, I just find it very uncomfortable.
Next week Connor will get 4 shots. He took them really well at his two month appointment and I hope he does just as well this time. I am providing my child with all his vaccines when the pediatrician recommends. I think it is funny to see people so against vaccines. My dad is a doctor and he is the absolute best. He constantly reads and keeps up with the newest research and he would not let me do anything that would harm my child. Plus, I got all my vaccines and I turned out fine. The alternative of not getting the vaccines scares me and I hope schools continue to be adamant about children having to be vaccinated.
I will get off my soap box now, I hope I didn't offend anyone too badly.


  1. I'm really proud of you for hanging in there with the breastfeeding thing. It is tough, some people love it and some hate it. I sometimes found myself nursing in the car. It feels like your whole life revolves around it! But, I think the pros outweigh the cons, and just think of all the money you save!!! ;)

    I agree with the vaccine thing. The man who initially said that the MMR vaccine was responsible for most cases of autism, was found to be a fraud. He changed his results to match his end goal. It's a shame that so many believed him and chose not to vaccinate. It really puts all children in danger of getting diseases that once were eradicated or only occur in third world countries....

    Anywho, you didn't offend me! Connor is such a cutie, and I can't believe we haven't seen him yet! I love all of the pictures and updates on FB!!

    1. Thank you! I can not believe how long it has been since we've seen you guys! I will be at your sprinkle, I am really excited to get away for a little bit and have some girl time. I know you are home much of the week, we should meet for lunch sometime! I too have breast fed in the car!
