Sunday, March 25, 2012

One month!

Wow, where has the time gone? I can not believe it has been a month! Things are going well we are all finally getting the hang of things. Connor is letting us get some sleep, though some nights are better than others! We usually put him down about 9, and on a good night he falls fast asleep until 12:30ish, I'll feed him and he'll go back down about 1:15 and sleep until about 3:45, he'll eat and go back down from 4:30 until about 7ish!

Tuesday we go to his one month check up and see how he's growing. We can already tell he's grown so much. I will post all the measurements and where he falls on all the charts.

Last night Sean got to feed Connor for the first time. He took to the bottle well and went back to nursing at the next feeding with no problems. I am thankful to give up one feeding and I know Sean is happy to be able to feed him!

Nursing is getting easier and I am enjoying it a little more each day. I am glad he's taken to it so well and that he is getting everything he needs from me. I am thoroughly enjoying staying home and not having to work. I feel so very blessed each day that Sean is giving us all this special gift!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Two Weeks!

Wow, tomorrow Connor will be officially two weeks old. I can honestly say this time has flown by. I am so thankful to be able to stay home and take care of the little guy. I am so grateful to have Sean step up and allow me to be the stay at home Mom I always wanted to be.
Connor and I have yet to be alone for a full day. Sean took off a week and half from work, and my mom came in for the past week to help out. She was the biggest help ever, and I am counting down until her next visit (hopefully my dad can come to)Next week, aside from visitors, we are on our own. Of course we will also have Chloe to keep us company too.
Connor currently sleeps much of the day, but when he is awake I try and entertain him as best as I can, hoping it will make for a peaceful night sleep. He currently sleeps anywhere from two and a half hours to four hours at a time during the night. I am currently nursing and that has really been a challenge for me. I do not hate it, but it is hard. Every two hours feeding him and then that takes an hour, it is exhausting! I know it is what is best for him, and it is also providing me with some fast weight loss! I had a plan to do it for 6 months, but now I am just going day by day, and really have no goal. Sean, of course, has been 100% supportive and is providing me lots of love and support.
We continue to love Connor more and more each day. We are still overwhelmed by all the love and support of our family and friends! We have had lots of flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, lunches, dinners clothes, toys, and other gifts delivered to the house daily. It has been so amazing to us to see all this outpour of love, and we thank you all!
Last week Connor had professional photos taken. We can not wait to get the rest of them, but I will post the two previews we have so far. The photographer was amazing and very reasonably priced, I recommend her to anyone who may need pictures - pebblebrook portraits.